Home Study Courses
We offer the following Home Study Courses
- Pharmacology: Its Implication in Physical and Occupational Therapy (12 contact hours)
Registration Fee: $140 plus $10 shipping and handling fee - Diabetes: Implication in Physical and Occupational Therapy (12 contact hours)
Registration Fee: $140 plus $10 shipping and handling fee - Management of Patients with Cancer: Implication in Physical and Occupational Therapy (12 contact hours)
Registration Fee: $140 plus $10 shipping and handling fee
How it Works
Download and submit to us the Home Study Registration Form
After registration, all registrants will receive a respective Home Study Course Book along with a letter of instruction. All registrants need to finish study course book with their own time within a month. All registrants are required to send us e-mail at ltcenter@charter.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it when they are ready to take the test. After receiving e-mail from registrant, our staff will e-mail you 70-80 questions based on materials that are in Home Study Course Book. Registrants will have two days to respond to the questions by sending answers through e-mail to the above e-mail address. In order to pass this course, registrants need to earn 80% on the test. After successfully passing the test, registrants will receive a certificate of completion within 7-10 days.
Contact Hours
Upon completion of this course, all participants will be given a certificate of completion for the hours (as indicated with the course). Contact your state board for specific filing requirements
Contact us for more information:
The Learning and Training Center
Phone: (636) 536-0272
Fax: (636) 536-6852 (Fax)
Or, you can Contact Us Online
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For a limited time, you can avail of our discounted rates!
Currently we offer "Combo" and "Group" rates which receive great discounts on our current rate.
To avail of the Combo rate, you must register for at least two of our classes within the same day.
To avail of the Group rate, you must belong to a group (minimum of three) that will register for the same class. You must provide us with your group name, or two of your group members to avail of this discount.